RELANG – Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference
Linking the new Foreign Language Syllabi to the CEFR and its Companion Volume
We are delighted to invite you to a two day training organized in cooperation with Levende Talen Engels and the European Centre for Modern Languages ECML. This event is suitable for teachers of all the foreign languages that are taught in the Netherlands and has a direct link to the renewal of the curriculum by SLO.
This event is planned for March 18 and 19, 2025 at the Colour Kitchen in Utrecht.
In this two-day workshop foreign-language teachers are introduced to the principles of valid and reliable language testing in relation to the new Dutch foreign language examination syllabi and the CEFR model of language use. Special attention will be paid to the construction of various item types and to possible ways of linking tests and examinations to the (levels in the) CEFR. Practical tips and exercises will be supplied and support materials adapted to the specific needs of the foreign languages and the corresponding CEFR levels will be developed. To find out more visit:
For members of Levende Talen this event is free of charge and the possibility for an overnight stay is provided. For non-members we ask a fee of €85,- which automatically makes you a member of Levende Talen. This is purely for administrative purposes and is not charged by the ECML or by the European Commission.”
Register here:

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