EOL Learning environments where modern languages flourish – November 2024
Learning environments where modern languages flourish Due to the low amount of participants this event is rescheduled. The exact date and link to enroll will follow shortly.
Learning environments where modern languages flourish Due to the low amount of participants this event is rescheduled. The exact date and link to enroll will follow shortly.
Due to the low amount of participants this event is rescheduled for March 2025. The exact date and link to enroll will follow shortly.
Welcome to (ICOLT – 24) Welcome to International Conference on Online Learning and Teaching (ICOLT – 24), an exciting event that strives to bring together all stakeholders in the discipline of Online Learning and Teaching to promote authentic and accelerated scientific research progress. At our conference, participants, keynote speakers, presenters, volunteers, and others will gain access to best-in-class resources, infrastructure, and opportunities to help them achieve their professional objectives, no matter how diverse and varied they may be. View more Conference Objective: Our conference
Gezocht: docenten Duits, Engels, Frans, Spaans! Wil je dit schooljaar de basisvaardigheden van je leerlingen versterken in de onderbouw van het vmbo (en havo/vwo) binnen je eigen vak, je zelf verder professionaliseren op het gebied van taal en communicatie, burgerschap of digitale geletterdheid én samenwerken met collega’s van andere vreemde talen, vakdidactici en wetenschappers? Dan zijn we op zoek naar jou! Binnen het kader van het Masterplan Basisvaardigheden heeft Levende Talen een subsidie ontvangen van het ministerie van OCW om